Programs of Study Information
Links will show display Programs of Study Information, Job Outlook, Postsecondary Certification, Salary Information, Careers, Projected Employment, Student Organizations, TN Promise Information, and School Contact Information for each program. Please click on your school and scroll to find your interested Pathway.
Gordonsville High School Pathway Programs
Smith County High School Pathway Programs
Tennessee’s career and technical education (CTE) programs of study are meant to provide a relevant framework of industry-aligned, rigorous courses that progress a student in knowledge and skills year after year. They provide invaluable opportunities for students to experience a subject that they are passionate about and explore interests that lead to postsecondary learning and future career paths. These sequenced courses also reflect and support the three-credit elective focus requirement for graduation. Level 1 courses are encouraged to be taken by students in ninth grade; however, districts may make scheduling decisions that work best for their communities and students.
Early-postsecondary opportunities (EPSOs), such as dual enrollment, dual credit courses, and college-level examination program exams (CLEP) are also valuable opportunities for all students and should be provided within the program of study. The dual enrollment course codes may substitute for the Level 3 or 4-course offerings in any aligned career cluster’s programs of study where those course codes represent post-secondary courses. Each program of study has four dual enrollment course codes.
Career Exploration (C25X00) is available to orient eighth and ninth-grade students to high school, postsecondary, and career options and develop employability skills. This course can serve as a prerequisite for any CTE course and program of study; however, it is not a required part of any program of study and should not be counted toward CTE concentrator status. Visit the CTE Career Exploration Course Information.
Work-Based Learning: Career Practicum (C25H16) is available to be a substitute for any level 4 course offering. However, this course will not count toward concentrator status but will count toward completer status. Visit the CTE Work-Based Learning Information.
Industry Credentials have been removed from this document. To review promoted industry credentials by programs of study, visit CTE Industry Certifications.
(Resources are linked to Programs of Study. Course descriptions and standards are linked to each specific course. Photos of Activities are available under each SCHOOL NAME link.)
Program of Study (Resources) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Level 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Level 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Level 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Level 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Schools Offered (Pictures) | Gordonsville High | Gordonsville High | Smith County High | Smith County High | Smith County High | Gordonsville High | Gordonsville High | Gordonsville High | Gordonsville High | Gordonsville High | Smith County High | Gordonsville High | Gordonsville High | Gordonsville High | Gordonsville High |